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THE ART OF READING MINDS-Emotions and how we reveal them.

                                                        THE ART OF READING MINDS                                                    - HOW WE REVEAL OUR EMOTIONS- Our emotions are an essential part of 'Who we are'. At times we as humans allow our emotions to control our decisions and behaviors. It's due to the reason, we don't always do things because we ought to ;at times we are led by emotions (or at least this is how we rationalize our behavior after the fact ). At times due to the lack of self-awareness individuals are not aware of emotion they are having. However, and fortunately it's an ability to read and understand non-verbal communication displayed by human beings, even when they are aware of them or want to hide them. It's a skill of understanding how other people filter or interpret their experiences and impressions that makes up a great part of mind reading. It is skill that comes up due to practice, experience and learning.  THE SEVEN SUMAURAI - Seve

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