The Happily ever After

As we look around at our agents of society including friends, acquaintances and everyone, it seems that they are having the best time of their lives. We see smiling and carefree faces. These faces at every corner of digital media seem to have totally figured out true meaning of happiness.  Though apparently it seems normal phenomenon but  exploring these perceptions in therapy is unique collection of life experiences. 

So my dear ones, social dilemma is hovering over us. Seeing pictures, posts and videos by our social media agents at times make us ponder over our own life-conditions. We start comparing ourselves with them and say to ourselves "Why are they carefree, happy and having good time." This question really bothers us to such an extend that it leads to over-thinking. The cognitive distortion we are using here is "Comparison". Open your brains and see their achievements, moments of joy and enjoyment as source of inspiration. Life gives their part of challenges to everyone. The one's who we perceive as "happy" may be going through their highs and lows. So focus  on improvement your life and well-being.

As the field of positive psychology expanded. more and more research was being conducted to understand what makes us happy. It's now proven fact that its more than a sensation. So the point of focus now was why some people had it, others didn't-why it mattered it so much. 

It was suggested there are some core factors to happiness which are: partner/significant other, family and close relationships, financial situation, community and friends, health, personal freedom  and personal values. . 

We need to highlight and focus on human connection. Hugging, self-compassion and talking to someone(e.g. therapy, with a friend or family can reduce you stress and anxiety). 

Look at the model below and explore advantages of human connection in times we feel overwhelmed.


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