An individual qualifying for any kind of competition e.g.,  Exam, Interview, any Sport Final, competes against people who are capable of being strong, flexible, powerful and skillful. All the participants of the competition have devoted their time and energy for a particular competition. However, there is only one champion. The person who is able sustain and keep the head up in pressurized environment of competition holds great importance. 

The blog focuses on clues and advice as how one might approach a competition. The suggestions have been tried and researched and tested among participants and also played effective role for the success of particular competition among my clients. 


Research into the psychology of competition, has shown that performance is based upon "Success Cycle."



If one has positive self-image, the individuals are more likely to have a positive attitude which in turn is likely to have a positive attitude, which in turn is likely to lead to higher expectations. This strategy usually leads to higher expectations. This usually leads to improved outlook and behaviors (e.g. going to bed on time or spending more time on preparation). With these improvements the level of performance increases. As a result, self- image is enhanced and matters progress well. 

However, the effects of negative self-image as powerful, so it is important  that with our conscious, we learn to keep the cycle move upwards rather that downwards. The most easiest and effective way of making sure that success takes place we need to set goals and targets. As key to success is preparation we need to chalk out a plan of what you exactly you want form a situation-not roughly or vaguely, but try to be specific. Remember this acronym while setting goals.

S=Specific- Choose goals that can be clearly articulated
M=Measurable-Have a way of tracking your progress
A=Achievable- Aim for realistic goals/Targets
R= Relevant- The outcome must be useful(Reasonable, realistic, resourced, or result-based
T= Time bound- Set a date by which you intend to have your task completed.  

Another important aspect  of competition of preparation is known as visualization, imagery or mental rehearsal. World class New Zealand marathoner Alison Roe once said, ' I cope with the mental pressure by mentally rehearsing my races, or parts of my races beforehand. I always stress the positive things."
Visualization works because it develops and establishes a correct blue-print for success. If an individual becomes effective at visualization , their brain sends electric messages to body parts in the same sequence as if they were performing that action for competing, e.g. visualizing oneself winning debates. The only difference is that the voltage will not be high enough to make body parts move. However, when an individual lies still and mentally rehearses a success imagery , it is not uncommon to see muscles in the thighs and shoulders making small involuntary movements.
a) You should adopt a comfortable position(sitting or lying) prior to the session/competition. Your eyes should be closed, and ideally you should have a relatively quiet room in which to practice.
b) The mental rehearsal should be seen in correct time-frame. Usually, slow motion or super-fast speeds are not very useful.
c)You should see the event as you do in real life. Rehearse the scene from an internal perspective-i.e., looking through your own eyes.
d)Visualization is a skill that needs practice. If you find it difficult, preserve, as progress is made quickly with regular work.
e)Don't leave your visualization sessions to chance. They should have a place in your weekly training/ preparation schedule. Three to four times a week for 5-10minutes would be a good start.
f)Always visualize yourself performing well and positively. 


We should never under-estimate the power of our thoughts. As the figure depicts, it is clear that what we think  about and how we interpret situation will often determine our physical reactions to issues and  events. 

Anecdotal evidence suggests that successful individuals from their respective fields seem to use certain cues as an aid to their preparation. They seems to focus on the mechanisms that lead to success, rather than success itself.  

The aim of every participants is to win. As one prepares for a major competition, it is important that you don't become overly upset by certain "uncontrollable,' but rather focus your attention on what is important for you not be distracted by thoughts and to take care of each progress goals at a time. 

Pre-Performance Promoters
1)Use Positive Self-talk
2)Be your own supporter
3)Come up with a mental image(such as audience clapping) or a phrase("Be brave").
4)Visualize your presentation(from beginning to end-this helps you to prepare for real thing)
5)Live what you visualized
6)Write it out- If we write  our thoughts and feelings about an upcoming test, we can have improved scores, especially to manage our stress and anxiety!


a)The Night Before- Prepare your speech, presentation, test and equipment bag that you will take tomorrow.
Shower and Relax( listen to Music, Read).
Spend 20 minutes relaxing and listening to calming music.
Go through visualization, imagining yourself performing well tomorrow.

b)Wake up on time-Set an Alarm
Early morning jog if possible( but better to do it)
While on the run, start visualize the competition and rehearse tactics.
Shower and breakfast

c)Go through the competition plan/ presentation/  speech/ test etc.
Think about a variety of "what if" scenarios. Decide how you deal with small inconveniences that occur. Listen to you favorite music.

d)Final Check of equipment/ needs to perform, spend 2-3 minutes visualizing the start of the competition.

Say something positive to yourself and remind yourself of all the work you have put into this.
Remind yourself of some of the good performances you have recently had.


Preparation is the key to success, and there are no short cuts. Plan your success well. 


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